The need for an Excel tool to collect data related to the continuous quality strengthening of laboratories was first raised by the Laboratory Systems Strengthening team in ITech. In order to use the Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation tool (LQSI) developed by the World Health Organization in and the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), field teams needed a tool that would be easy to use, adaptable to specific conditions or local regulations in the field, and that would allow a better follow-up of laboratories progresses and results.
As part of a short term consultancy for ITech, I developped an Excel based and Python enriched workbook, to help for the collection of the highly dimensional of LQSI tool. Using the xlwings package and add-in for advanced data manipulation in Excel, the tool allows the user to:
- Adapt the generic checklist to local norms and conditions
- Directly import data from electronic equipment registries
- Enter data in a simplified list, with completude checks and progression bars to help with the multipliciy of indicators
- Visualize the results of a mentoring session
- Visualize the progression of laboratories in time
More details
Full project: Github