from reports_header import *
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
plt.rcParams['figure.autolayout'] = False
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 6
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 18
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 20
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2.0
plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 8
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
plt.rcParams[''] = "serif"
plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = "cm"
export_bokeh = False
import IPython.core.display as di
# This line will hide code by default when the notebook is exported as HTML
di.display_html('<script>jQuery(function() {if (jQuery("body.notebook_app").length == 0) { jQuery(".input_area").toggle(); jQuery(".prompt").toggle();}});</script>', raw=True)
## Loading Data
store = pd.HDFStore('../../data/processed/orbf_benin.h5')
data_orbf = store['data']
tarifs = store['tarifs']
monitoring_data = open( "../../data/processed/facilities_supervision_trails.pkl", "rb" )
monitored_facilities = pickle.load(monitoring_data)
pkl_file = open( '../../data/processed/TEMP_aedes_pltdata.pkl', 'rb')
aedes_data = pickle.load(pkl_file)
pkl_file = open( '../../data/processed/TEMP_full_data.pkl', 'rb')
full_data = pickle.load(pkl_file)
## Temporary function until algorithm 1 is thrown into generic functions
def get_validation_set(monitored_facilities):
out = []
for i in range(len(monitored_facilities)):
for date in list(monitored_facilities[i].reports.keys()):
data = {'fac_id':monitored_facilities[i].facility_id ,
'facility_name':monitored_facilities[i].facility_name ,
'report_date':date ,
'claimed_payment':monitored_facilities[i].reports[date].report_payment['claimed_payment'] ,
return pd.DataFrame(out)
report_payment_data = get_validation_set(monitored_facilities)
## Just keeping full facilities
facs = list(full_data.index.levels[2])
idx = pd.IndexSlice
report_payment_data = report_payment_data[report_payment_data.facility_name.isin(facs)]
report_payment_data['difference_amount'] = report_payment_data['claimed_payment'] - report_payment_data['verified_payment']
OpenRBF relies on a monthly supervision and validation of all collected indicators. While this regular supervision is what builds the trust of donors in the system, it may be the most expensive way to build this trust. Monthly indeed come at a cost and involve resources, every supervision may not result in an important reduction in the payments made to facilities.
In order to reduce this cost, we aim at designing and testing algorithms to screen reported and data and only trigger supervisions in specific situations. In this first step, we define a theoretical framework for designing and testing supervision algorithms, explore the different types of the algorithms that can be used for algoritmic supervision. We will hereafter define our theoretical framework, describe the different families of algorithms that can be used, explain the test
To differentiate the levels of data that are being handled in the analysis, we will use the following taxonomy :
A first objective of the project is to improve the monitoring of the data collected in the RBF program. This monitoring is aimed at spotting abnormal situations that may appear in the data, and raising alarms to allow program managers to answer to these alarms. We define two main types of issues we want our project to spot :
The primary goal of RBF is to ensure the proper financing of health services. As such, data quality is an essential element of RBF. Building the trust that the data communicated by facilities reflects the demonstrable results of these facilities is essential to involving funders and other stakeholders in an RBF project.
There are two detrimental situations of bad data quality :
In the meantime as RBF data is used to determine payments for facilities, this data can also allow supervising entities to track performances of facilities, and to spot domains in which additional resources or coaching could be useful in order to improve these performances. Defining and measuring what constitutes satisfying service provision from facilites can prove tricky in a program that adresses primary health care services, as it is not easy to determine local needs for such services, as well as local coverage expectations.
A second objective of this project is to help to the reduction of operating costs for the RBF project. These operating costs indeed incude two types of garbage costs that we would like to reduce :
There is a trade-off here between these two costs. Indeed, the goal of supervising facilities is to reduce the amount of payments made that do not correspond to actual services that have been provided. In the meantime on-site verifications are costly, and necessitate the mobilisation of human, logistical and financial resources. There is thus a balance to find between bearing high supervision costs and paying large amounts of undue payments to facilities.
Our work will be to provide a framework allowing program managers to design data verification schemes that will enact their local decision on this trade off.
Based on the available data, we define out problematic data situations based on the payment variations that was implied by the claimed data and the validated data. This definition is based on two separate thresholds :
The mean monthly supervision cost based on data from Aedes appears to be 170 000 CFA Francs.
We flag reports as being over or under reported. The distribution of these different situations is as follows :
mean_supervision_cost = 170000
underfunding_max_risk = 0.5
report_payment_data['ratio'] = report_payment_data['claimed_payment'] / report_payment_data['verified_payment']
report_payment_data['over_declaration'] = report_payment_data['difference_amount'] > mean_supervision_cost
report_payment_data['under_declaration'] = report_payment_data['ratio'] < underfunding_max_risk
report_payment_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(report_payment_data['report_date'])
out_sup = sum(report_payment_data.over_declaration) / len(report_payment_data)
out_inf = sum(report_payment_data.under_declaration) / len(report_payment_data)
print('Over declarared reports :' + str(np.round(out_sup * 100 , 2)) + '%')
print('Under declared reports :' + str(np.round(out_inf * 100 , 2)) + '%')
n_facilities = report_payment_data.fac_id.nunique()
n_over_fac = report_payment_data[report_payment_data.over_declaration].fac_id.nunique() / n_facilities
n_under_fac = report_payment_data[report_payment_data.under_declaration].fac_id.nunique() / n_facilities
print('Overdeclaring Facilities :' + str(np.round(n_over_fac * 100 , 2)) + '%')
print('Undedeclaring Facilities :' + str(np.round(n_under_fac * 100 , 2)) + '%')
The next graph shows the distribution of the data we want to spot. Red data dots are outside of the zone in which we want the data to be. Reports under the black line were overreporting, and reports over the red line were underreporting too strongly before data validation.
We see that most of the data is in control but there are large tails on the right and slightly on the left of the distributions.
plotting_data = report_payment_data[(report_payment_data['claimed_payment'] < 10000000)]
report_payment_data['alarm'] = report_payment_data['over_declaration'] | report_payment_data['under_declaration']
outliers = plotting_data[plotting_data['over_declaration'] | plotting_data['under_declaration']]
in_control = plotting_data[~ (plotting_data['over_declaration']) & ~(plotting_data['under_declaration'])]
plt.plot( outliers.claimed_payment , outliers.verified_payment , 'ro', alpha = 0.1)
plt.plot( in_control.claimed_payment , in_control.verified_payment , 'o' , alpha = 0.1)
plt.plot((0,3750000) , (0,7500000) , 'r-' , alpha = 0.8)
plt.plot((mean_supervision_cost,7000000) , (0,(7000000 - mean_supervision_cost)) , 'k-' , alpha = 0.8)
plotting_data = plotting_data[np.abs(plotting_data['difference_amount']) < 500000]
plt.hist(plotting_data[:]['difference_amount'] , bins = 20 )
plt.plot((mean_supervision_cost, mean_supervision_cost), (0, 8500), 'r-')
In the current supervision regime, costs of verification represent 29 % of the overall program. This is an important cost, especially considering that 92% of the verifications are more costly than the reduction in payment they result in. The process of data verification is thus costly and time consuming for public health authorities. The aim of this project is ot orient these efforts of supervision to maximize the chance of identifying data issues or services problems.
The next graph shows the evolution of the different aggregate categories of cost for the program since its beginning. In (a), we see the evolution of the total monthly cost of the program. The costs have been regular 2014 with a first scale up, and an important scale up mid-2015. The composition of this costs is displayed in the plot (b). We can see that the cumulated difference between claimed and verified payment grow after each scale up, showing a time of adaptation for for health workers who need to learn how to feel reports. We also see how verification costs, with the current full verification format of the program, are steady in time.
Plot (c) shows the share of supervision costs in the total cost of the program. We see that as the program has grown, the share of supervision costs goes down, but stays between a fifth and a third of the total costs of the program. Plot (d) confirms the spikes in overdeclaring facilities after scale-ups, and show that on a regular basis, between 5% and 10% of the facilities are out of control, which means a supervision will indeed have a positive impact on the total cost.
total_claimed_payments = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).claimed_payment.sum()
total_payments = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).verified_payment.sum()
verification_costs = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).verified_payment.apply(len) * mean_supervision_cost
total_cost = total_payments + verification_costs
perc_verification = verification_costs / total_cost
perc_alarms = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).alarm.sum() / report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).alarm.apply(len)
N_overdecl = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).over_declaration.sum()
N_underdecl = report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).under_declaration.sum()
perc_overdecl = N_overdecl / report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).alarm.apply(len)
perc_underdecl = N_underdecl / report_payment_data.groupby(['report_date']).alarm.apply(len)
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2, sharex=True)
axarr[0,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , color='red')
axarr[0,0].set_ylabel('Total Monthly Cost')
axarr[0,0].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index[0])) , 3e8 , '(a)')
axarr[0,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(total_claimed_payments[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , total_claimed_payments[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Claimed Payments')
axarr[0,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(total_payments[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , total_payments[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Verified Payments')
axarr[0,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(verification_costs[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , verification_costs[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Verification Costs')
axarr[0,1].set_ylabel('Monthly Cost')
axarr[0,1].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index[0])) , 1.5e8 , '(b)')
axarr[1,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(perc_verification[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , perc_verification[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , color = 'black')
axarr[1,0].set_ylabel('\% of supervision cost in total cost')
axarr[1,0].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index[0])) , 0.2 , '(c)')
axarr[1,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(perc_overdecl[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , perc_overdecl[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Overdeclaration')
axarr[1,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(perc_underdecl[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , perc_underdecl[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Underdeclaration')
axarr[1,1].set_ylabel('\% of Facilities with issue')
axarr[1,1].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index[0])) , 0.22 , '(d)')
In order to both reduce the aggregate cost and spot ooc situations, we will define monitoring algorithms and present how these algorithms can be tested and validated before being tested in the field.
We define a supervision algorithm in three steps that can be thought of separately :
We will compare different monitoring strategies. Strategies will vary on the type of data they will use as input, and the type of data processing that will be applied.
The features will need to be built on different dimensions :
A first simple strategy is to randomly draw facilities that will be supervised. The draw can be based on equal weights or on a weighting that will be based on past information on the financial risks of each facility. At this stage of the work, we use a weight determination algorithm designed by Mathieu Antony, from Aedes, and described elsewhere.
In this first approach, we will want to monitor the amounts paid to a facility on a monthly basis, and spot a divergence from the expected in control distribution. To do this, for each facility we will :
This approach is akin to approaches used in syndromic surveillance systems, where targets are raised when some transformation of an error of the number of expected cases reaches a certain threshold.
A second approach is to model how the values reported by each facility differs from the values reported by other facilities. A simple implementation of this approach is to use hierarchical models with fixed effects at facility level, and to analyze the distribution of these fixed effects to spot outliers.
Finally, we want to check internal consistency of each reports. Profile monitoring is a way of monitoring the production profile of different health facilities, and to see how they may change with time.
In order to test and evaluate the performance of a monitoring algorithm, we simulate the validation trail of this algorithm for each facility. This simulation is done for each facility. At each time step, we process the validated data and define temporary thresholds. We then compare the claimed data for this time step, to the defined thresholds. We then apply the relevant supervision rule for the result of the algorithm. Finally, if the facility is supervised, the verified data is saved as validated data. If the facility is not supervised, we save the claim data as validated data.
aedes_data = aedes_data[aedes_data.total_payment < 1e9]
This algorithm has been defined and explained elsewhere. We here use two implementations of this algorithm, using different explained risk shares to select important variables. This will allow us to understand a bit more the importance of this parameter for the selection of the best performing level.
This second algorithm is a longitudinal supervision algorithm approach.
For each time step, for each facility :
The validation trail for one facility is presented below
monitored_facilities[200].plot_supervision_trail(tarifs) ;
report_payment_data = report_payment_data.set_index(['fac_id' , 'report_date' ])
def get_report_validation(monitored_facility):
out_def = ''
reports_dates = list(monitored_facility.reports.keys())
for date in reports_dates :
data = {'sup_alarm':monitored_facility.reports[date].alarm , 'report_date':date ,
'fac_id':monitored_facility.facility_id }
if date == reports_dates[0] :
out = [data]
if (date == reports_dates[0]) == False :
out = pd.DataFrame(out)
## Payment
indicators = list(monitored_facility.training_set.keys())
payments = monitored_facility.training_set[indicators[0]] * tarifs[indicators[0]]
for indic in indicators[1:]:
payments = payments.add(monitored_facility.training_set[indic] * tarifs[indic] , fill_value=0)
payment = pd.DataFrame(payments)
payment = payment.reset_index()
payment.columns = ['report_date' , 'validated_payment']
payment['report_date'] = payment.report_date.astype(str).str[0:7]
out = out.merge(payment , on = 'report_date' , how='outer')
return out
def sensitivity(test_value):
return sum((test_value['alarm'] == test_value['sup_alarm']) * test_value['alarm']) / sum(test_value['alarm'])
def npv(test_value):
return sum((test_value['alarm'] == test_value['sup_alarm']) * ~test_value['alarm']) / sum(test_value['sup_alarm'] == False)
def ppv(test_value):
return sum((test_value['alarm'] == test_value['sup_alarm']) * test_value['alarm']) / sum(test_value['sup_alarm'] == True)
out_df = get_report_validation(monitored_facilities[0])
for i in range(1 , len(monitored_facilities)):
facility = monitored_facilities[i]
if facility.facility_name in facs :
out = get_report_validation(monitored_facilities[i])
out_df = out_df.append(out)
out_df = out_df.set_index(['fac_id' , 'report_date'])
out_df['alarm'] = report_payment_data['alarm']
print('Strategy Sensitivity : ' + str(sensitivity(out_df)))
print('Strategy Negative Predictive Value : ' + str(npv(out_df)))
print('Strategy Positive Predictive Value : ' + str(ppv(out_df)))
sup_sens = out_df.groupby(level = 1).apply(sensitivity)
sup_npv = out_df.groupby(level = 1).apply(npv)
sup_ppv = out_df.groupby(level = 1).apply(ppv)
The Sensitivity of this strategy is somehow underwhelming, 58% of ooc situations have been identified by our approach. Meanwhile, 5% of the algorithmically validated reports turn out to be in fact problematic. Looking at the plotted data, we can see how the expected payments forecasting method is slow to adapt to new situations, and can be sticky in time. This is however to be expected due to the coarse nature of the forecasting approach, and this weakness of this approach could be mitigated by spending some time tweaking this approach
Meanwhile, we see that the monthly cost of the program with algorithmic verification is slightly less than the cost of full verification. This is due to the huge diminution in verification costs, as the total cost of supervision diminishes to little more than 5% of the total cost of the program.
In the meantime, we see that with this strategy, 466 830 794 CFA Francs would been payed unduly to facilities, over 4 years. This, meanwhile, represents only 5% of the total payments made, and 4.4% of the total cost of the program on the period. We see that a big chunck of these costs happen around the introduction of new facilities, when the algorithms take some time to stabilize.
In order to compare algorithms, we will compare some characteristics of their validation trail. The figure below presents some characteristics of this trail. Plot (a) shows that the full verification is always more costly than the algorithmic data monitoring strategies. The Algorithms 1a and 1b appear to be very similar in terms of aggregate cost and offer the best cost reduction while Algorithm 2 has a slightly higher total cost. Looking at (b), (c) and (d), we see that the difference in the results of the different algorithms comes from their different positions in the trade-off between supervision cost and overpayment. (b) and (c) show that the reactive algorithm triggers a much lower number of supervisions than the random sampling algorithms. As a result, plot (d) shows that Algorithm 2 results in higher levels of overpayment than algorithms 1a and 1b.
payments_sup = out_df.groupby(level = 1).validated_payment.sum()
verification_costs_sup = out_df.groupby(level = 1).sup_alarm.sum() * mean_supervision_cost
total_sup_cost = payments_sup + verification_costs_sup
perc_verification_sup = verification_costs_sup / total_sup_cost
N_verif_sup = out_df.groupby(level = 1).sup_alarm.sum()
N_verif_total = report_payment_data.groupby(level = 1).apply(len)
undue_payment = (out_df.validated_payment - report_payment_data.verified_payment)
undue_payment_plot = undue_payment.groupby(level= 1).sum()
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2, sharex=True)
axarr[0,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , total_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Full Verification')
axarr[0,0].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_50'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_50' , 'total_payment'].tolist() , label = 'Algorithm 1a')
axarr[0,0].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_80'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_80' , 'total_payment'].tolist() , label = 'Algorithm 1b')
axarr[0,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(total_sup_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , total_sup_cost[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , label = 'Algorithm 2')
axarr[0,0].set_title('Monthly Cost')
axarr[0,0].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime('2016-09-01')) , 3e8 , '(a)')
# N Verifications
axarr[0,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(N_verif_total[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , N_verif_total[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist())
axarr[0,1].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_50'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_50' , 'monthly_verifications'].tolist())
axarr[0,1].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_80'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_80' , 'monthly_verifications'].tolist())
axarr[0,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(N_verif_sup[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , N_verif_sup[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist())
axarr[0,1].set_title('Monthly Verifications')
axarr[0,1].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime('2016-09-01')) , 350 , '(b)')
axarr[1,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(perc_verification[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , perc_verification[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist())
axarr[1,0].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_50'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_50' , 'share_supervision_cost'].tolist())
axarr[1,0].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_80'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_80' , 'share_supervision_cost'].tolist())
axarr[1,0].plot(pd.to_datetime(perc_verification_sup[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , perc_verification_sup[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist())
axarr[1,0].set_title('Share of supervision cost')
axarr[1,0].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime('2016-09-01')) , 0.4 , '(c)')
# % overdeclaration spotted
axarr[1,1].plot(pd.to_datetime(undue_payment_plot[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].index) , undue_payment_plot[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , color = 'C3')
axarr[1,1].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_50'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_50' , 'undue_payment_made'].tolist() , 'C1')
axarr[1,1].plot(aedes_data.loc['aedes_80'].index.get_level_values(0).to_timestamp() , aedes_data.loc['aedes_80' , 'undue_payment_made'].tolist() , 'C2')
axarr[1,1].set_title('Amount of Undue Payment')
axarr[1,1].text(mdates.date2num(pd.to_datetime('2016-09-01')) , 1.3e7 , '(d)')
Finally, we want to offer a framework to choose between different algorithms. This choice should be according to two main trade-offs :
We offer an interactive tool that allows program managers to define their zone of comfort in these two trade-offs, and thus to chose the algorithmic approach they prefer for their own program. The plot on the left shows the cost trade-off. The X axis displays the supervision costs and the Y axis represents the undue payments made. The diagonal lines are the isocost lines. The total cost of supervision goes up on the north east of the plot. The plot on the right displays the accuracy trade-off. The sensitivity is on the X-axis and the Positive Predictive Value is on the Y-axis.
The results are as expected. We can see Algorithm 2 has less supervision costs, but more undue payments than Algorithm 1. In the meantime, we see Algorithm 1 is more sensitive than Algorithm 2, because of the high number of supervisions it triggers, and Algorithm 2 has a higher PPV showing it is more efficient at targetting problematic situations. The relationships between these two plots can be explored by selecting subsets of the planes, by using interactive selection tool.
x_6 = [60000000 , 60000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_6 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
x_5 = [50000000 , 50000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_5 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
x_4 = [40000000 , 40000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_4 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
x_3 = [30000000 , 30000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_3 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
x_2 = [20000000 , 20000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_2 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
x_1 = [10000000 , 10000000 - max(undue_payment_plot)]
y_1 = [0 , max(undue_payment_plot)]
data_algo = pd.DataFrame({'supervision_costs':verification_costs_sup[total_claimed_payments < 1e9] ,
'undue_payment_made':undue_payment_plot[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() ,
'ppv':sup_ppv[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() ,
'sensitivity':sup_sens[total_claimed_payments < 1e9].tolist() , 'algorithm':'Algorithmic verification'})
data_plot = aedes_data.reset_index()
data_plot = data_plot[data_plot.algorithm != 'full_verification']
data_plot = data_plot[data_plot.npv > 0]
data_plot = data_plot.append(data_algo)
colormap = {'aedes_50': 'green', 'aedes_80': 'orange' , 'Algorithmic verification':'red'}
data_plot['color'] = data_plot['algorithm'].map(lambda x: colormap[x])
source = ColumnDataSource(
TOOLS = "box_zoom,wheel_zoom,pan,box_select,reset"
# create a new plot and add a renderer
left = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=500, height=500, title=None)'supervision_costs', 'undue_payment_made', color = 'color' , source=source)
left.line(x_1 , y_1 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_2 , y_2 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_3 , y_3 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_4 , y_4 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_5 , y_5 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_6 , y_6 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.line(x_1 , y_1 , color = 'grey' , alpha = .7)
left.xgrid.grid_line_alpha = 0.5
left.ygrid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4]
left.yaxis.axis_label = 'Undue Payments Made'
left.xaxis.axis_label = 'Supervision Costs'
#left.title = 'Program Costs Trade-off'
# create another new plot and add a renderer
right = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=500, height=500, title=None)'sensitivity', 'ppv', color = 'color' , source=source)
right.xgrid.grid_line_alpha = 0.5
right.ygrid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4]
right.yaxis.axis_label = 'Positive Predictive Value'
right.xaxis.axis_label = 'Sensitivity'
#right.title = 'Accuracy Trade-off'
p = gridplot([[left, right]])
if export_bokeh == True :
script , div = components(p)
This first exploration is interesting at two main levels.
First, as a proof of concept, this work allowed us to show that taregeted strategies are helpful to reduce program costs. Our simulations can be considered realistic simulations of real world implementation, as all the data used comes from real world situations. This is encouraging as it leads us to want to optimize the targetting algorithms in order to improve the benefits we observed with a naive approach.
Second, this work allowed us to lay a theoretical framework, a computational engine and a validation framework that can be easily built upon to explore more targeted strategies for program monitoring. We thus provide a generic framework in which to test and optimize additional monitoring algorithms.