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. Evaluation of the benefit of different complementary exams in the search for a TB diagnosis algorithm for HIV patients put on ART in Niamey, Niger. Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique, 2016.

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. The role of implementation science training in global health: from the perspective of graduates of the field’s first dedicated doctoral program. Global Health Action, 2016.

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. Disponibilité et rémunération des ressources humaines pour la santé en RDC. Rapport Final. Report for the MOH and World Bank, 2015.

. Why a Taxonomy for Health Outputs Makes Sense?. Bluesquare Blog, 2015.

Bluesquare Blog

. Multiple self-report measures of antiretroviral adherence correlated in Sierra Leone, but did they agree?. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2013.

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. Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus among blood donors in Segou, Mali. Médecine et Santé Tropicales, 2012.

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. Prise en charge clinique de l'infection VIH dans les pays à ressources limitées. VIH, 2011.


. Les déterminants de l'emploi non-salarié en France depuis 1970. Documents d’Etude, 2007.